Marti is a premium brand in Swiss coach operating. The company was founded in 1903 and is still owned and run by the Marti family, now by its 4th generation. Marti is part of the leading coach operators in both the German and the French speaking part of Switzerland. It is comprised of four own bases and a dense network of alliances which enable Marti to offer competitive services throughout the market territory.For coach hire in Switzerland you need look no further than Marti.
Ernst Marti AG
Bruehl 11
Kallnach 3283
+41 32 391 02 40
+41 32 391 03 61
Key Contacts
Gateway Cities
With their sophisticated understanding of professionalism and responsibility our highly skilled and continuously trained personnel provide true first class services.Marti coaches represent the latest industry standards with regard to passenger comfort, environmental friendliness and safety standards. The fleet average age is less than 3 years.Marti is awarded with the official quality label of the Swiss tourism association.
Ernst Marti Ltd. is a key player in people transportation and group tourism in Switzerland for more than hundred years. A large number of renowned companies and institutions regularly rely on the trustworthiness and competence of our company.
Marti operates 30 own travel coaches with a total seating capacity of almost 2’000 passengers. For maximum flexibility and shortest timely responsiveness we dispose of a well established network of partner companies that correspond to our quality requirements.
GPN Switzerland – Marti has set a important ecological norms. The fleet is 100% Euro-6 emission standard. Drivers are trained for efficiency. Even the heating of the offices is done with ground water and solar systems
For these reasons we are the foremost company for coach hire in Switzerland and are the Company of choice when quality and service matter
Get a quick quote from Marti
Luxury coaches from 20 to 78 passengers, ergonomic comfort seats, adjustable seat backs and foot rests, arm rests on every seat, individual foldout tables, air-conditioning, toilet, GPS, Stereo/Video, mini-kitchen.
Luxury coaches from 20 to 78 passengers, ergonomic comfort seats, adjustable seat backs and foot rests, arm rests on every seat, individual foldout tables, air-conditioning, toilet, GPS, Stereo/Video, mini-kitchen.
“L’association Global Passenger Network(GPN) est composée des meilleures compagnies de transport terrestre dans le monde. Grâce à nos membres repartis dans 40 pays, nous pouvons répondre à vos demandes de transport à l’étranger. Pour cela il vous suffit de nous contacter au 0041 (0) 32 391 01 11 dans la langue de votre choix, et nous serons ravis de traiter vos demandes.
Nous sommes le membre suisse de GPN et en travaillant avec nous pour vos transports terrestres vous aurez la certitude, grâce à notre organisation, de recevoir les mêmes niveaux de service que ceux que vous avez l’habitude de recevoir dans votre pays.
Global Passenger Network établit des normes de conformité élevés pour chacun de ses membres afin que vous puissiez voyager avec la garantie d’un hautement service professionnel.
Avec Global Passenger Networks – rendez vos transports de groupe simple !”
Global Passanger Network (GPN) ist ein Zusammenschluss der weltweit besten Busunternehmen und ist gegenwärtig in 40 Ländern vertreten. Falls Sie eine Busleistung im Ausland benötigen, rufen Sie uns in Schweiz unter der Nummer 0041 (0) 32 391 01 11 an und wir leiten Ihre Anfrage an unsere GPN-Kollegen weiter.
Wir sind die GPN Vertretung für Schweiz und wenn Sie uns Ihre Wünsche anvertrauen, können wir Ihnen durch unser Netzwerk garantieren, dass Sie auch im Ausland gleichbleibenden Standard und gleichbleibende Qualität erhalten, so wie Sie es von zu Hause gewohnt sind.
GPN setzt hohe Standards und Anforderungen an seine Mitglieder, so dass Sie sicher sein können, dass Ihre Aufträge professionell und ausschließlich von ausgebildeten Fachleuten durchgeführt werden.
Global Passanger Network – die Garantie für sichere Leistungen!!
Global Passenger Network (GPN) è un network di noleggiatori bus selezionati tra le migliori compagnie di noleggiatori del mondo. Con ben 40 paesi membri di differenti paesi, se necessitate noleggi all’estero chiamate pure noi in Svizzera, comunicheremo in italiano, francese o tedesco e Ernst Marti ci occueremo della vostra richiesta, parlando con i nostri partner.
Come partner svizzero, possiamo assicurarvi che riceverete lo stesso trattamento all’estero, ricevendo lo stesso standard qualitativo in termini di sicurezza e professionalità a cui vi abbiano abituato.
Global Passenger Network – rende l’organizzazione del viaggio semplice!
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