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CoachMarque and GPN in Coach Monthly

CoachMarque, the U.K.’s GPN member, has been written up in the April 2010 edition of the U.K.’s motor coach industry magazine, Coach Monthly.  The article explores the origin and the philosophy of CoachMarque, as well as its relationship with GPN.  It explains that CoachMarque is “the only universally recognized kite mark of quality in the U.K. coach industry”.  This is a powerful statement; one that is backed up by the fact that CoachMarque’s quality standards cover not only the coach itself, but a whole range of aspects of its member companies, from customer service to staff training.  CoachMarque companies are evaluated by an independent auditor to ensure that they meet the stringent standards of entry into CoachMarque.  The article goes on to explain the realtionship of CoachMarque to GPN: The GPN network provides CoachMarque and other members with assured quality abroad, breakdown assistance in and GPN country, legal support, sales and marketing benefits,  and much more.  Congratulations to CoachMarque for the great publicity!Article CoachMarque