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The Norwegian magazine, BUSSMAGASINET, writes a press article about MTBUSS about his Open House. The theme was safety driving and safer drivers.


This winter we arranged open house at MTBUSS, where we also invited drivers from other coach companies. The theme was safety driving and safer drivers.

The meeting was held by former multiply European Champion in rallycross, Martin Schanke and former Chef trainer for the Norwegian police department, Sverre Isaksen.

These two gentlemen are maybe the most experienced drivers in Norway, and their experience with drivers of heavy vehicles is that most of us does not focus far enough up front when driving. This can lead us into serious accidents and this driving behavior is not very comfortable for our passengers.

Their biggest concern with drivers of heavy vehicles is that more and correct focus give safer drivers.

All the attendents at the meeting also got the chance to drive in the traffic with Martin Schanke and Sverre Isaksen and get their professional feedbacks on their driving behavour.

This event was covered by the Norwegian magazine, BUSSMAGASINET

Bus hire Norway
